Updates, tickets and further information for all programs are available from: BIMOT 8 Shammai Street Jerusalem telephone: 972-2-240896 fax: 972-2-244535 KING SOLOMON'S SEAL Sep.1,1995-May 31,1996 The fabulous seal which gave King Solomon his legendary powers over na- ture will serve as the theme of a special exhibition illustrating the contribution of Islamic art and science to the cul- tures of the West. The exhibition, at the Tower of David Museum of the His- tory of Jerusalem, will explore the re- lationships between Islam and neigh- boring civilizations. OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONY Sep.4,1995 The official ceremony at the Knesset (Israel's Parliament) will be followed by a massive sight and sound spectacular, presented above the site of the Israel Museum. The spectacle will highlight the establishment of the Capital by King David and its sacred and eternal role in the history of the nation. OPENING CEREMONY OF THE CITY OF DAVID Sep.4,1995 Following extensive work and recon- struction, the archaeological site of the City of David will be formally opened to the public in a special ceremony inaugurating the year of events marking Jerusalem's 3000 years of glorious history. FIDELIO Sep.7-9,1995 The Deutsche Staatsoper, Berlin (Germany) directed by Daniel Baren- boim will present a fully-staged pro- duction of Beethoven's "Fidelio" at the picturesque Sultan's Pool, situated at the foot of the Old City walls. Soloists: Catherine Mal- fitano, Thomas Moser, John Tomlin- son, Falk Struckmann, Carola Hohn, Endrik Wottrich, Kwangchul Youn. BEETHOVEN: THE NINTH SYMPHONY Sep.8,1995 The Deutsche Staatsoper, Berlin (Germany) directed by Daniel Baren- boim will play Beethoven's Ninth Sym- phony in a special festive concert cele- brating Jerusalem's 3000 anniversary. Soloists: Lynne Dawson, Rosemarie Lang, Peter Schreier, Falk Struck- mann. "NIGHT OF DEGREES" Sep.14-15,1995 A night-long event of thanksgiving, song and expressions of faith, dedicated to David's psalms, celebrating Jerusa- lem 3000. The event will commence with the setting of the sun and will con- tinue until sunrise the following morn- ing at the Mt. Scopus open-air theater and in various surrounding halls. The participants will include singers, choirs, cantors, orchestras, scholars and stu- dents. SALUTE TO JERUSALEM Oct.10,1995 A massive pageant, made up of thousands of marchers, dancers, musi- cians and groups clad in historical cos- tumes, will fill the streets of Jerusalem. Many cultural traditions will be represented by delegations from various countries, and by some 20 towering floats cons- tructed by the town of Viareggio (Italy), specialists in the colorful art of paper mache. CLASSICAL WINTER IN JERUSALEM Oct.12,1995-Jan.1,1996 Dec.12,1996-Jan.12,1997 A series of concerts and master classes with the International Symphony Or- chestra. The ISO is comprised of some 100 highly gifted young musicians (aged 18-30) from around the world, who gather in Jerusalem every winter for a month-long session of rehearsals and performances under the direction of some of the world's greatest conduc- tors. The music consultant for the proj- ect is Lorin Maazel. In 1996 Maestro Gennady Rozhdestvensky will be guest conductor of the ISO. KING DAVID AND HIS LEADERSHIP Nov.21-22,1995 This conference, organized by the Ben Zvi Institute, will focus on the different aspects of King David's leadership, dealing with his outstanding personality and his role as a King. LITURGICA FESTIVAL OF SACRED MUSIC Dec.19,1995-Jan.6,1996 Dec.8,1996-Jan.7,1997 A celebration of liturgical music from different traditions, performed by the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, fea- turing classical masterpieces as well as works commissioned especially for Je- rusalem 3000. The first festival will include Verdi's "Requiem", Han- del's "Judas Maccabaeus", Mozart's "Davide Penitente", J.S. Bach's "Christmas Oratorio" and Walton's "Belshazar's Feast". The second will in- clude Handel's "Saul". Berlioz's "Te Deum", J.S. Bach's "Magnificat", Mo- zart's "Requiem" and will conclude with the world premiere of a new ora- torio by Krzysztof Penderecki for two orchestras, two choirs and soloists. JERUSALEM, A CAPITAL FOR ALL TIMES Jan.17,1996-Dec.31,1996 An exhibition comparing King David's Jerusalem with seven other capital cit- ies of the ancient world: Memphis, Ur, Hattusas, Avaris/Pi-Ramesses, Gor- dion, Nineveh and Babylon. Each city will be portrayed at the height of its glory, with the emphasis on military, commercial and religious aspects. The exhibition, at the Bible Lands Museum, will explore the links between the Jerusa- lem of King David and the other great capitals featured. PILGRIMAGES TO JERUSALEM THROUGH THE AGES Feb.4-7,1996 An international workshop and confer- ence on the Religious History of the Holy Land, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Ben Zvi Institute. The conference will relate to the great variety of pilgrimages observed in the history of the Holy Land, permitting a comparative analysis of the phenomenon and on the dynamics and role of pilgrimage in the dialectical relationship between different forms of religion. Workshops will deal with the psychological, social and economic as- pects of pilgrimage. PITTSBURGH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (USA) Feb.2,1996 Lorin Maazel will direct the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra in a special fes- tive concert celebrating Jerusalem's trimillennium. Program: Mendelssohn - "Italian Symphony" No. 4; Sibelius - Symphony No. 2; Ben Shabetai - world premiere of a new work commissioned especially for Jerusalem 3000. KING DAVID'S FEAST March 18,1996 The gastronomic experience of a life- time - a 12-course banquet, prepared by 15 of the world's finest chefs, in a sump- tuous setting fit for a king. The feast, set to include artistic entertainment, will recreate the splendor of the an- cient court of King David, and will be held under the auspices of the In- ternational Chef's Association. JERUSALEM 3000 - BETWEEN UTOPIA, REALITY AND NOSTALGIA March 25-28,1996 This conference for architects will deal with Jerusalem from a historical point of view: guarding its heritage, the ratio new versus historical buildings, the design of modern build- ings in relation to the spirit and charac- ter of the city, the influence of tourism on historical cities and the use of in- come from tourism for the development and upkeep of historical sites. The con- ference is being held in conjunction with the Bezalel Academy of Arts, cele- brating its 90th anniversary. CHILDREN OF THE WORLD DRAW JERUSALEM May 1-15,1996 An international drawing competition for children aged seven to fourteen. The purpose of the competition is to encourage children the world over to express their most personal images of the pastoral beauty and the historical and spiritual significance of Jerusalem through art. Approximately 400 of the drawings will be se- lected for display in the exhibition in Jerusalem. JUDAICA 3000 May 5-9,1996 The largest fair of Judaica art, featur- ing thousands of rare and priceless ob- jects, with the participation of experts and collectors from all over the world. The fair will include an international competition for the design of Judaica items inspired by Jerusalem and King David. KING DAVID AND JERUSALEM IN THE BOOK OF PSALMS May 6-8,1996 The conference, held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in collabora- tion with the University of Munster (Germany), will deal with King David and the Songs of Praise, Zion and Jeru- salem in the Book of Psalms, David in the Psalms in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. ISRAEL FESTIVAL, JERUSALEM May 12,1996-June 14,1996 For the past 33 years the Israel Festi- val in Jerusalem has been the premier performing arts event on the country's burgeoning cultural calendar. Present- ing music, dance and theater in a myriad of styles, the festival has become an event of international significance and pres- tige, consistently attracting the world's finest performers in all artistic disci- plines. The festival has also become a launching pad for Israeli artists to showcase new and innovative work. In honor of the 3000th anniversary celebrations of Jerusalem, the 1996 festival will broaden its scope of activi- ties in tribute to its illustrious home- town. KING DAVID: "RUDDY AND WITHAL OF BEAUTIFUL EYES" May 26-30,1996 King David - statesman, warrior, law- maker, scholar, poet and musician - has inspired a wealth of artistic works, captivating the collective imagination of humanity. Organized by the Shorashim Institute, this conference will deal with the complex and rich diversity of this heroic figure. JERUSALEM AND HER PEOPLE THROUGH THE AGES June 1-Dec.31,1996 A special exhibition tracing the history of Jerusalem from King David to the present, and focusing on the profound spiritual impact the city has had on the West and the Near East. The Israel Museum and the Antiquities Authority will present rare archaeological finds alongside more recent masterpieces, to convey Jerusalem's multifaceted char- acter. "ABOVE MY CHIEFEST JOY" - WEDDINGS IN JERUSALEM June 1-Dec.30,1996 In Jerusalem, a city sacred to three re- ligions and home to many ethnic groups, one can find almost all types of marriage ceremonies, some unique to the city. This exhibition will focus on ethnographic, historical and contemporary material, interviews, pictures and video films documenting the various ceremo- nies. The exhibition will be presented at the Tower of David Museum of the His- tory of Jerusalem. A THOUSAND VOICES SING TO JERUSALEM June 6,1996 "The Holland Choir", a one-thousand voice choir organized by the Christenen voor Israel in the Nether- lands, will hold a special festive concert honoring Jerusalem. The Choir, ac- companied by the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, will sing Psalms of David, folk songs and works by Han- del and will be joined by cantor Asher Hainovicz. The concert will be open to the public at the Safra City Hall Square. JERUSALEM FILM FESTIVAL June 7-July 6,1996 Now in its second decade, the annual Jerusalem Film Festival has become one of the most anxiously awaited cul- tural events of the year. Scores of films are screened in the week-long festival, which presents a broad scope of the best in contemporary and classic cinema from all over the globe. The festival consistently attracts thousands of fans as well as important interna- tional figures in the movie industry. THE REAL AND IDEAL JERUSALEM IN JEWISH, CHRISTIAN AND ISLAMIC ART June 16-21,1996 The Fifth International Seminar on Jewish Art, held at the Hebrew Univer- sity of Jerusalem, will be dedicated to Jerusalem 3000. Scholars, curators, collectors, artists, educators and stu- dents from all over the world will participate in this week of lectures to examine the immense impact which Je- rusalem has had on the visual arts of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. JERUSALEM COURTYARDS June 27,-Sep.6,1996 Picturesque courtyards, squares and enchanted corners will host an array of artistic performances - theater, classical music, jazz, stand-up comedy, etc. Open to all, adults and children alike will find it an exciting, colorful experience. JERUSALEM 3000 PHOTOGRAPHY PROJECT July 1-Nov.28,1996 12 world-renowned master photographers have been invited to spend a few weeks in Jerusalem as guests of the city. During this time they will capture their personal view of Jerusalem. The project will culminate in a special group exhibition in Jerusalem, and in the publication of a book for worldwide distribution. The masters will be ac- companied by students of the Jerusalem School of Photography. INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF PUPPET THEATER July 7-16,1996 This much-loved annual festival will include world premieres of ten new in- ternational co-productions dedicated to legends about King David and his son Solomon, the wisest of men. CHILDREN IN THE ARTS July 26-31,1996 This unique festival will present chil- dren from all over the world in a wide spectrum of performances encompass- ing all of the performing arts. The purpose of the festival, which is slated to be- come an annual event, is to promote multi-culturalism, tolerance and peace- ful coexistence through the world's greatest asset - its children. CELEBRATION OF GOSPEL MUSIC July 26-Aug.4,1996 A thousand praises will ring forth from many corners of the city, as gospel choirs from all over the world fill Jeru- salem's finest venues, with the partici- pation of Larnelle Harris, Twila Paris, Sandi Patty, Steve Green and Wayne Wat- son. The event is organized by the Gos- pel Music Association and the World- wide Leadership Council. GALA CONCERT OF PSALMS July 31,1996 A gala concert at the Sultan's Pool, beneath the Old City walls, in celebra- tion of King David the poet, whose timeless psalms are woven into the cul- tural fabric of mankind. Zubin Mehta will direct the Israel Philharmonic Or- chestra, a huge choir, and world re- nowned singers in an open-air concert of psalm-inspired works by Vivaldi, Mozart, Gounod, Bruckner and Bern- stein. Soloists: Jose Carreras, Ruggero Rai- mondi, Barbara Hendricks. SIGHT AND SOUND SPECTACULAR Aug.5-22,1996 The magnificent Old City of Jerusalem will provide the backdrop to a sight and sound spectacular chronicling the story of the city from King David's time to the present day. From the Haas Promenade that commands breathtak- ing views, audiences of thousands will witness the recreation of key events and characters through live music, theater, fireworks, lasers and special effects. Director: Franco Zeffirelli. SING, O JERUSALEM Aug.6-13,1996 A unique gathering of over 800 singers in 15 Jewish choirs from all over the world will fill Jerusalem with music and song praising the Holy City. The event will feature over 20 concerts in various locations - concert halls, community centers and open-air venues. INTERNATIONAL ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR Aug.8-18,1996 This annual tradition will be expanded to include dozens of craftsmen and traditional artisans from around the world. Colorful international folklore performances and ethnic food stands will serve to augment the fair, creating a festive, carnival-like atmosphere. The fair will run for three weeks, becoming a major attraction for tourists, guests and residents of the city. DAVID AND ABSALOM Aug.20,-Sep.5,1996 The tragic struggle between the be- loved yet rebellious heir-apparent and his father, the king, who must defend his crown and his life - these dramatic events serve as the basis for an original play by Shmuel Hasfari. This play will be staged in the courtyard of the Tower of David with a large cast, using an impressive range of technological effects to enhance the natu- ral beauty of this historic site. NABUCCO Sep.10-18,1996 A lavish open-air production of Verdi's opera "Nabucco" will be performed by the Arena di Verona (Italy). Based on the story of King Nebuchadnezzar and the destruction of the First Temple, it will be staged on the spot where the his- toric events actually took place, at the Sultan's Pool near the ancient city walls. Director: Maurizio Arena, Stage Director: Gianfranco De Bosio, Stage Design: Renato Olivieri. Soloists: Renato Bruson, Paolo Gavanelli, Ruggero Raimondi, Paata Burchuladze, Monica Pick-Hieronimi, Mariana Anghelovna, Anna Schiatti, Carlo Striuli, Donato Di Stefano. INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF EARLY MUSIC Oct.6-13,1996 Internationally acclaimed ensembles, both choral and instrumental, will pres- ent a rich program of ancient and early music, including several rarely per- formed works inspired by the theme of King David. The festival is being organized by the Mishkenot Shaananim Music Cen- ter. THE DISSIDENTS Oct.7-24,1996 An historic epic depicting the Great Re- volt of the Jews against the Romans - a struggle that led to the ultimate destruc- tion of the Second Temple and the city of Jeru- salem. The scope of the human tragedy comes to life on stage through the sto- ries of the zealots and moderates, lead- ers and warriors who made up the complex social fabric of that era. This drama of violence unravels through the disparate viewpoints of Rabbi Shimon Ben Gamliel, militant and zealot, and Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakai who advo- cated moderation and universalism. The original play by Yehoshua Sobol will be produced and presented by the Khan Theater. A SONG FOR JERUSALEM Nov.14,1996 New musical arrangements for the best-loved classical songs, written and sung about Jerusalem through the ages, have been commissioned for this special concert. Opera singers and choirs accompanied by the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra IBA will perform this one-time, unique musical celebra- tion, giving new life and color to the musical heritage of the city. DAVID'S VIOLIN Dec.1996 The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra will accompany the world's greatest violin- ists in a special concert honoring Jeru- salem 3000. Among the soloists: Yitz- hak Perlman, Shlomo Mintz, Midori, Pinchas Zukerman, Gil Shaham.